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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Changes (2)

In the last post I mentioned that I am a Free guy running through the life. Well in this period of my life I wanted to become a pirate, yes, a pirate, but a polished pirate, those that  assault cruise ships and dont need anything more than my own brain. A kind of james bond that from the sea  is able to leave absolutely everything a mess yet leave “airoso”. On top of this with a ton of money. This dream is the reason that I applied to study mechanic Engineering. Ups, after time I learned to play the flute and discover  my body, mind and soul through  music and this instrument thats is really similar to a Singer. So I live an internal revolution and suddenly decided to change my way. I had to study a lot for the audition so I left my studies as an engineering and focused on this new challenge.Studying music is really really hard (I think maybe more than  other careers). You stay in a constant learning and practice mode, so you never stop. And this is necesary to learn and discover new sounds and have more tools  for experimenting new things and advance.But one could ask, why would someone want to advance so much ?  Mmmmm for   me its just for pleasure.Me entering the university  wasnt to go against social norms as the actor i am in this life, but really I just want to learn different things.And  Finally I dont want to work but I have to do it for a living. And if someone wants to pay me to play music … Great¡¡¡

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